10 commandments of Mt.Kim Black Dragon Tae Kwon Do

10 commandments of Mt.Kim Black Dragon Tae Kwon Do 

1. Strong sprit
2. Effort
3. Patient
4. Attitude
5. Self-confidence
6. Respect for the national flag
7. Respect for Instructors and Parents
8. Respect for Higher ranking belts
9. Never misuse Tae Kwon Do Techniques
10. There is no defeat, only victory

13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA 20155

 703-753-0500 Conveniently located on the side of the NEW HARRIS TEETER

10 commandments of Mt.Kim Black Dragon Tae Kwon Do

Black Dragon Ultimate Kickboxing Gainesville, Haymarket

Do you think it’s too late to change your life for the better?
Work out with us, Kick your stress away and energy boost!

13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA 20155

Check out short video clip of Black Dragon Ultimate Kickboxing

(Gainesville / Haymarket Location)

Black Dragon Ultimate Kickboxing Gainesville, Haymarket

Best Summer Camp,After School in Gainesville,Haymarket

The Best Summer Camp, After School Program in Gainesville, Haymarket

Register Now and Save up to $700.00 in your Summer!

13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA 20155


(Click this video clip and check our programs!)

2016 Grand opening specials! (up to $700 off for your Summer)

-FREE 1 WEEK Martial Arts classes (free uniform) with World Certified Masters!
-FREE 1 WEEK B4/After School Program.(after the trial, only $79 per week)
-Summer / Spring Camp Early Bird Special! (Save up to $700 in your summer time)
“Safe transportation, Better grades,Teach discipline, Build confidence, Sharpen focus, Improve socializing”
-$200 off for Birthday Party.
Contact now! 704-753-0500 / info@mtkimblackdragon.com / www.mtkimblackdragon.com
13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA 20155

Best Summer Camp,After School in Gainesville,Haymarket

How Does Taekwondo Affect Child Development?


Taekwondo originated in Korea more than 2,300 years ago. Translated, it means “the way of the foot and fist,” and as that name suggests, it was originally developed by warriors. But this ancient practice is about more than just physical defense. Children learn symmetrical body exercises for unarmed combat, including kicks, punches, jumping and dodging.

More importantly, though, taekwondo practice develops persistence, self-discipline and kindness. Many participants find an increased feeling of peace and balance. Master Dan Vigil, of Dan Vigil’s Academy of Taekwondo in Northville, Michigan says the right coach will teach taekwondo as an empowering way of life, encouraging students to apply the social and character skills learned in the classroom to their home and school lives.”


As a child, he was the kid everybody picked on. He was so harassed, he recalls, that he was afraid to go to school. Discovering martial arts was a turning point for Vigil and gave him the confidence he needed to confront bullies. About the benefits of taekwondo, Vigil says, “Many modern children’s taekwondo programs now focus primarily on character development. Couple this growth with a positive, motivating coach and you have the makings for a wonderfully beneficial experience.”

RELATED: How to Choose Sports That Fit Your Child’s Personality

Focus and Leadership

A high-quality taekwondo program teaches children to focus and persist at a task. Highly energetic children and children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, especially benefit from the structure and expectations of taekwondo, but the benefits extend to all children.

Attorney and child advocate Laurie Gray, founder of Socratic Parenting, LLC, says, “My 11-year-old daughter is a second-degree black belt in taekwondo. In addition to the physical aspects of the sport (balance, coordination, strength and endurance), my daughter has developed confidence and perseverance. She has learned to set goals and to work toward achieving them. She is enrolled in the leadership class, where she’s learning how to teach classes, encourage other students, and talk to their parents in a respectful and knowledgeable manner.”

Anger Control

The world can be an overwhelming place for kids, and anger is a common response. Kids don’t always know how to express anger and frustration, but participating in taekwondo can help. While it’s not OK for a child to punch or hit a younger sibling, it is OK to kick and punch during a taekwondo lesson. Children learn to harness angry feelings and use them productively.

Jennifer Little, Ph.D., a teacher, educational psychologist and founder of Parents Teach Kids in Milwaukie, Oregon, points out that “Taekwondo offers an appropriate (and structured) outlet for psychological anger and aggression that works to responsibly control aggressive urges and develop self-control over those urges.”

RELARED: Sports Parents Gone Too Far

Gross Motor Development

Taekwondo offers a vigorous workout for kids while improving coordination and balance. Susan Chung, a sixth-degree taekwondo master and co-owner of Bruce Chung Tae Kwon Do in Harrison, New York, explains that “Core strength develops through kicking (lifting the leg). Overall strength develops in a martial arts program as well.”

According to the University of Vermont, injuries are rare because children naturally pace themselves to their current level of physical fitness. Taekwondo doesn’t require special equipment or weights, and children can practice anywhere.





How Does Taekwondo Affect Child Development?

Mt.Kim Black Dragon Martial Arts’s Peewee class in Haymarket , Gainesville

Mt.Kim Black Dragon Martial Arts Gainesville / Haymarket

Do you think it’s too early to start Martial arts?
Check this out for your young child(ren)!

“Register Now!” 703-753-0500
13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA 20155

Located in Heritage Hunt Shopping Center.

(On the side of the New Harris Teeter)

Best Martial Arts B4/After School, Summer Camp and Traditional Taekwondo Training class in Gainesville/Haymarket Area.

Hurry to get Grand-opening & New-year’s specials!

Mt.Kim Black Dragon Martial Arts’s Peewee class in Haymarket , Gainesville

Cardio Kickboxing, Self-defens Training in Gainesville, Haymarket

Cardio Kickboxing & Self-defens in Gainesville , Haymarket

“Register Now!”

Hurry to get Grand-opening Specials! (Only $49 for Limited time)
Located in New Heritage Hunt Shopping Center (on the left side of the new Harris Teeter) 703-753-0500 www.mtkimblackdragon.com
13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA


Cardio Kickboxing & Self-defense

Punching, kicking, footwork, combinations, and great conditioning is what you can expect from the MT.KIM BLACK DRAGON Martial Arts. There are many ways of exercising to build strength, increase your heart rate for sustained cardio conditioning, and to burn those extra calories to fit into your clothes better. But putting on a pair of gloves and beating the crud out of a heavy bag has a primal level of satisfaction which will be therapy for your soul as the stress falls off you faster then the sweat beading down your brow.

Benefits of Cardio Kickboxing Classes

It’s not only powerful body. It’s a Brainpower!
Kick your stress away!
Energy Boost!
Building stronger relationships!
One Kickboxing class a day keeps the doctor away!
Itsy, bitsy, teenie, weenie, yellow polka-dot bikini!


Cardio Kickboxing, Self-defens Training in Gainesville, Haymarket

The best Martial Arts in Gainesville / Haymarket

Register Now! Mt.Kim Black Dragon Martial Arts. The best Taekwondo Martial Arts in Gainesville / Haymarket VA Area. Learn from World Certified Master Instructors! Traditional Taekwondo Training, B4/After School, Seasonal Camp, Adult Cardio Martial Arts & Kickboxing, Birthday Party.   13863 Heathcote Blvd, Gainesville VA 20155  703-753-0500 info@mtkimblackdragon.com   http://www.mtkimblackdragon.com

masters intro



The best Martial Arts in Gainesville / Haymarket